Internal Vice President​
Public Relations Chairman
Date of Birth: August 26th
Hometown: Sunnyside, Washington
Sir Name: Heracles
Crossing Line: Eternal Alpha Eta
Graduation Year: 2022
What year did you start at the University of Washington?
Fall 2018
Tell us a little about your major?
Hello all, my name’s Juan and I am majoring in Journalism. I have only just recently decided that this is the path I want to pursue and as of now am convinced that it will be a large part of my life’s fulfillment. With this major I hope to document history as it uncoils before our eyes. I also want to write about the truth and oppose those who seek to oppress it. As Leo Tolstoy once said, “The hero of my story...is..the truth”. The same can be said of me.
How has ODPhi enhanced your college experience in both business and social contexts?
I have built many relationships throughout my first year at UW and I would have to give credit to this brotherhood for helping me create as well as foster them. With the advice and guidance of many in this brotherhood I was able to land my first real job here in Seattle and am tremendously grateful for the confidence, wisdom, and skills the brotherhood has instilled within me.
In what ways has ODPhi prepared you for your future?
It’s made me a better communicator. Much of my time before entering this brotherhood was spent being introverted and with a select few people. This brotherhood forced me out of this mundane pace of life and exposed me to all sorts of people with different backgrounds and stories of their own. From these encounters, rather than a chore, speaking to people became a fun and easy thing to do.
Any words of wisdom for new incoming Brothers?
Be yourself. The last thing you want is for people to get to know the fake you-the one who hides behind a mask or finds contentment in lies. Be true to who you are. Trust me, much more happiness will come to you that way.